Price file information for supplier to pharmacy and retail


Toniq Retail is a Point of Sale system installed in many stores throughout New Zealand. Using up to date product information received from suppliers, electronic price files are prepared and loaded into the Retail system.

Accurate, timely and complete information, forwarded to Toniq, ensures that all available items are listed in the stockist’s computer system. This streamlines product management – orders, inwards goods, re-pricing, POS sales and sales reports.

In addition, products on price files have a raised profile in the pharmacy.

All products should be listed
– including promotions, “one shots”, and gift lines

Note: ‘free’ items such as testers, gift with purchase, POS support materials etc. are not included in price lists.



Minimum requirements for product information submitted to Toniq:


  • Product information is to be emailed as an Excel (.xls) spreadsheet, a MS Word file (.doc) or a text file (.csv or .txt).
  • Information should be presented in a tabular format, one row per product, one column per data item.
  • Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf) and scanned image files (eg .tif, .gif, .jpeg, .bmp formats) are not acceptable.
  • Alternatively, product information can be submitted (by arrangement) to Toniq via website interface.


For each product, the file should include:

  • A unique product description (product range, description, colour/size/volume/weight).
    Note – descriptions may be modified for inclusion in the price file.
  • Standard cost to pharmacies (ex GST)
  • An accurate and unique barcode number for each product with a barcode printed on the label/packet. (EAN or UPC, 8, 12 or 13 digits)
  • A unique identifying code (eg a company product code or Pharmacy Guild pharmacode number).

Note: All codes (ie: barcodes, pharmacodes and product codes) must remain unique to one product variant, as historical data is retained in the Toniq master product file.

Each product variant should be represented by only one product record within the price list.

Toniq should also be advised of any products no longer distributed by the supplier, in order for relevant product records to be removed from the price list.


Files should arrive at Toniq no later than 5 working days before the date of any price rise or product launch.

Toniq will acknowledge (by return email) any price list submissions received.



Price files can be enhanced by addition of the following details:

  • Recommended retail prices (incl GST)
  • Minimum buying quantities
  • Product descriptions with a maximum of 35 characters would assist in the processing of the file (including brand name)



On completion of processing, updated price files are immediately posted on our secure web server for stores to download into Toniq Retail systems.  Suppliers are also notified by email when the file has been processed.



All information submitted to Toniq is treated confidentially.

  • Product information supplied to Toniq will only be used for the express purpose of preparing a suitable price list file for use by pharmacies with Toniq Retail installed.
  • Product information is distributed only in the form of a Toniq prepared price file, which is password protected. This file is designed for use exclusively with the Toniq Retail system.
  • Source data received (eg spreadsheet files or text files) remains confidential to Toniq staff preparing price files. It is not further circulated within Toniq, or to any external party.
  • At a supplier’s request, access to a price file within Toniq Retail can be restricted to nominated stockists.


Limitation of Liability

Toniq does not accept liability to anyone, including suppliers and clients, for the consequences of the use (or non use) of supplier product information, whether the use (or non use) be by authorised or non-authorised persons.